What to write in your creative brief

Useful pointers to consider adding in a creative brief

Type in “How to write a creative brief” in your favourite search engine or AI platform, and you’ll find a lot of resources or answers that will help you writing a creative brief.

I am not here to tell you that I have the key to the perfect creative brief. Instead, here are a few things that I’ve always found helpful to know when getting to know a project (and a client).

Don’t just show inspiration – Explain it!

Instead of just sending a link to a website / a graphic design you like, think about why you like it. Is it the clean layout? The vibrant colors? The way it makes you feel? Saying “I like how this site feels modern and approachable” is way more helpful than just sending the link.

Explain what you don’t like

Just as important as showing what you do want is showing what you don’t want. If you hate cluttered websites or bright neon colors, say it! Also if you have a current website, do say what doesn’t work anymore and why. This helps us avoid going down the wrong path.

The backstory

The more background information you can give us about the project, the better. Alongside the information around your business, your target audience, and your goals, share how you came to realise you needed a new website for example.


When setting deadlines, remember that life happens! Share any upcoming holidays or planned time off—and I’ll do the same. This helps create a realistic timeline and avoid last-minute scrambles.

Who’s involved?

For ease of project management, it is always good to only have one person as a point of contact, but it’s always useful for a freelancer to have a feel of how many and who is going to be involved in the process – be it for original feedback, or final sign-off.

A good creative brief is a great starting point for any project. But remember, nothing beats a good conversation! Don’t stress about making it absolutely perfect. Any good web developer / graphic designer should be able to ask the right questions to fill in any gaps and make sure you’re all on the same page.

Do you have a project in mind? Let’s talk about it!